Ministries & Organizations
OLA offers many vibrant ministries and organizations that help us serve one another and our greater community.
Take a look - there may be a perfect fit for you!
Ministries for Children include Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the Children's Choir.
OLA Youth & Young Adult Ministry gives young people an opportunity to be involved in the life of the OLA Parish community. Our ministry seeks to provide a safe, positive and healthy environment where our number one goal is to build family.
All liturgical ministers exist for the service of the Body of Christ, the People of God, the assembly gathered in God’s name. Although serving in any of these ministries should be a source of joy and satisfaction for individual people, these ministries exist for the benefit and service of the Church and not for individual or personal piety, spiritual growth, or status. As such, these ministries are regulated by Church and Liturgical law and are submitted to the authority of the Bishop and the local Pastor (USCCB).
Please click here for information on OLA's Liturgical Ministries.
Our Lady of Angels' Community Ministries allow all parishioners to become more active in the parish community.