Our Lady of Angels

A Catholic Parish | Served By Capuchin Franciscans

Mass Times

Weekly Mass Schedule:  

Weekdays 8 am & 5:30 pm

Saturdays 8 am & 5 pm (Vigil)

Sundays 7 am, 8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am & 6 pm

Livestream Schedule:

Saturdays at 5 pm (Vigil)

Adult Faith Formation


Add meaningful spiritual experience to our lives by:


Praising God and thanking God for our Blessings.
Scripture Reading and Discussion.
Petitionary Prayers for our Priests, Church, Parishioners, Friends, Relatives, World Leaders, World Peace and for all mankind.
Spiritual Enlightenment.
Discussing Doctrine and Fellowship.
Sharing God’s love.
Manifesting and sharing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


We look forward to offering this program again in 2023. 

Our previous program, "Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession," can be viewed online at ola.formed.org.

We hope you will take the time to watch this program with your family.

A great chance to learn more about the Scriptures. 

For additional information, please contact Albert Chen at (650) 455-2025 or by clicking here.


Secular Franciscans strive to live the Gospel in the manner of St. Francis by spreading the Gospel by word and example in their homes, at work, and in their parishes. Because we believe that Jesus is present among us, especially in the poor, the broken, the dis-enfranchised, we are compelled to reach out to serve and cherish them.
The Secular Franciscan Order enables the Franciscan charism to be lived by married and single Catholics. Monthly fraternity meetings with their common prayer, formation, and fellowship provide the spiritual nourishment to live as a Christian.
In order to join you must be willing to undergo a period of initial formation - A journey with the fraternity to discover if God is calling you to the Franciscan way of life.
We are blessed at Our Lady of Angels Parish to have a Secular Franciscan Fraternity.
Anyone interested is welcome to contact:
Diane Creedon, OFS at (650) 678-6449 or by email.



We, the members of the Secular Franciscan Order, Junipero Serra Region, called to follow the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the footprints of St. Francis, seek holiness through prayer, action and promotion of the reign of God within the Franciscan Family, the Church, and the World. Because we believe that Jesus is present among us, especially in the poor, the broken, the dis-enfranchised, we are compelled to reach out to serve and cherish them.


Meetings are held monthly. Please contact Diane Creedon, OFS at (650) 678-6449 or by email for more information.

Join our next Walking With Purpose Bible Study Session following the study entitled, "Opening Your Heart". 

This 17-week program is the ideal way to revive yourself in the new year.  

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