Our Lady of Angels

A Catholic Parish | Served By Capuchin Franciscans

Mass Times

Weekly Mass Schedule:  

Weekdays 8 am & 5:30 pm

Saturdays 8 am & 5 pm (Vigil)

Sundays 7 am, 8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am & 6 pm

Livestream Schedule:

Saturdays at 5 pm (Vigil)

Mass Schedule:

Weekdays 8 am & 5:30 pm

Saturdays 8 am & 5 pm (Vigil)

Sundays 7 am, 8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am & 6 pm

In Memoriam

Joanne Borg
February 18 at 10am

Marriage, Baptism and Funerals

Contact the Rectory at
(650) 347-7768 to discuss scheduling.

Parish Calendar

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